Friday, 21 October 2016

Jazz North team up with Kala Sangam in Bradford, October 22nd

If you're in or around Bradford tomorrow, why not head to Kala Sangam Arts Centre to see a special concert supported by Jazz North, Kala Sangam and the International Foundation of Carnatic Music.

Sur Sangam is a project run by South Asian Arts Centre Kala Sangam and tomorrow evening it will feature the world renowned N Ravikiran, R N Prakash and R N Prathap and Jazz violinist Olivia Moore.

From the Kala Sangam website...

Since his grand entrance at the age of two, Ravikiran has won world wide critical acclaim. He has been one of the most inspiring ambassadors of Indian music and culture. The substance and quality of his contributions as instrumentalist, composer, vocalist, guru, author and orator are held in the highest regard.  
Ravikiran is the inventor of the Award-Winning world music concept Melharmony and he is a history making achiever of epic proportions with feats like setting to music 1330 verses of ancient Tirukkural in only 16 hours.
The International Foundation for Carnatic Music (IFCM) is a non-profit organisation whose main motto is ‘Service to Music; Service through Music.’ The IFCM not only endeavours to foster one of the world’s greatest melodic art forms – Carnatic music, but also strives to promote mutual appreciation, goodwill and peace between people of diverse countries and cultures.

Tickets for the event cost £7.50/£5 concessions and a family ticket is available for £20. Tickets can be purchased through the Kala Sangam website.

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