Thursday 20 October 2016

Apply Now for B-Jazz 2017

Applications for the B-Jazz International Jazz Competition are open until 31st October 2016 so it's time to get that application!

This annual competition runs as part of the Leuven Jazz Festival in Belgium which this year runs on the 24th and 25th March 2017. Ensembles selected to participate in the final will perform in front of a panel of judges and the winner will be offered performances at Getxo Jazz Festival in Spain, Saint Louis College of Music in Rome, Ameersfoort Jazz Festival in the Netherlands and the Druivenfestival in Belgium.

There are also two other prizes available - one for the Best Bass Player and one for the best performance of the mandatory composition (the winner of the B-Jazz Composition Contest 2017).

Full details on how to apply and the eligibility criteria can be found on the B-Jazz website.

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