Tuesday 20 October 2015

Ivor Mairants Guitar Award

The Worshipful Company of Musicians has opened submissions for the Ivor Mairants Guitar Award.

The award, which is now in its 18th year, is open to classical guitarists who wish to receive jazz-influenced tuition. 1st prize includes a £1500 Manuel Rodriguez guitar from the Ivor Mairants music centre in London, £1000 to use for jazz tuition and £200 worth of music. There is also a 2nd prize of £500 and a 3rd prize of £300.

Applicants have until 26th February 2016 to submit their application and must meet the following criteria:

- Have been born on or after January 1st 1989
- Have been resident in the EU for at least 12 months and/or be enrolled in a UK conservatoire
- Provide letters of recommendation from their conservatoire and guitar teacher

Application forms and further guidelines can be found on the Help Musicians UK and Musicians' Company websites.

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