Friday, 13 September 2013

Jazz Yorkshire Commission - Call for Submissions

Jazz Yorkshire - The Yorkshire Suite

Press Release

Jazz Yorkshire is excited to announce a commission worth £1000 to write a suite for big band reflecting the character of Yorkshire, to be called the Jazz Yorkshire Suite as a legacy of the work done by Jazz Yorkshire in developing and celebrating the development of jazz in the region since its inception in 2004.

The work should be in 3 or 4 sections, each to be a stand alone piece of 4 to 5 minutes which together will form the suite.

The sections are to be "graded" so that one is suitable for a junior band, (e.g. a stage band), one to be suitable for a more seasoned band (e,g. a swing orchestra) and the most testing sections to be suitable for a mature youth jazz orchestra and/or a good semi pro big band

The successful suite and its writer will be given a high profile showcase to be sponsored by Jazz Yorkshire.

"We hope that Yorkshire based writers will jump at this opportunity" says Martin Coultas, Chair of Jazz Yorkshire." However the commission is open to all comers" he adds.

Prospective writers are invited to submit by Friday October 18th their ideas for the work , including how their composition is intended to reflect the characteristics of Yorkshire, accompanied by brief written or recorded musical sketches of their proposed sections. In addition, other examples of their jazz writings should be submitted.

The adjudication panel will include Jami Sherriff (jazz educator, pianist and writer), Louise Gibbs (jazz educator, singer and writer), Chris De Saram (jazz promoter, Wakefield Jazz), and Steve Crocker (bass player and jazz promoter, Seven Jazz)

The commission will be awarded by December 15th so that the suite can be completed by the end of January 2014, to permit its showcasing before Easter 2014.

Writers should submit their proposals electronically via (replace AT with @)

Queries for clarification should be directed to the same address.

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