Thursday, 8 August 2013

Weekly (ish) Round-Up

With jazz festival season upon us, and this site being manned by musicians, we've been rather quiet of late. As summer madness subsides, you'll hear more from us but for now - here's a little snapshot of what's been going on in the jazz world...

 First off, congratulations to composer Tony Faulkner and his Pepper Adams project for hitting their target of $7,000 on Kickstarter. They currently have $7,475 with 71 hours remaining so it looks like the CD and tour have the green light. Well done to everyone involved!
As mentioned above, it is jazz festival season and reviews of the recent Manchester Jazz Festival are popping up across the internet. We've found these so far - LondonJazz on MJF, Jazzwise on MJF, The Jazz Breakfast on MJF, Rachel Maby on MJF and Ring Modulator on MJF.

Much loved keyboardist George Duke passed away aged 67 this week. Tributes are appearing across the jazz media community and it made the BBC news, too. Read BBC Article.

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