Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Venue Profile: JATP, Bradford

Where? Bradford Irish Club, 2 Rebecca Street, Bradford, BD1 2 RX (01274 732000)

When? First Friday of every month except August, 2 Jazz Extras per annum, one per half-season, when there are 5 Fridays in that month. 8pm til 11pm

How much?  £7 or £5 members and Students

What kind of jazz? All forms of accessible jazz

Who runs the night? Martin Powell

Martin says...

Bradford Irish Club is a warm and welcoming club who welcomed then 'homeless' JATPjazz to their bosom some 3 years ago. They have a varied, well stocked bar at eye-raisingly cheap prices - Naylor's being a popular choice on Jazz nights.
Excellent sight lines and acoustics coupled with the outstanding jazz musicians with which we are always blessed make JATPjazz nights a thing to behold, so do come along and 'behold' us - you will not be sorry, and we'd be ever so chuffed to see you. Programming the best of Jazz in the North (and occasionally from the South) we present an eclectic choice of jazz to suit all tastes - often on the same evening. We are often described by visiting Jazz musicians as the friendliest jazz club they've ever played. A very welcoming committee and an exceedingly friendly audience, all topped off with the best in jazz must surely make for a great night so do join us.

JATPjazz is a strictly not-for-profit, voluntary Jazz Promoter which has been running in Bradford for approx 12 years, starting out at the former Priestley Theatre in Little Germany. It is operated by a committee of 6 members and one Patron and the sole aim is to further the cause and name of jazz whilst benefiting the musicians who perform for us. 
The programmer is Martin Powell who took over from Brian Bicât approx. 3 years ago. He is keen to give a platform to the excellent young musicians emanating from LCoM and RNCM whilst maintaining availability for the long-time faithful jazzers of the region who have served JATPjazz so well over the years. This becomes less easy with ever decreasing funding and it is now our challenge to manage without any funding whatsoever. Thus we need you listeners even more than we ever did. Do support JATPjazz.
On the subject of 'listeners', Martin also delivers a 4-weekly Jazz Show, JazzScene on BCB Radio in Bradford, every 4th Tuesday at 20:00 hrs - 106.6fm or Live Online at www.bcbradio.co.uk. Here it is his pleasure to play whatever takes his fancy from way back when to happening here and now interspersed by some utter jazz marvels masquerading as dirty little secrets. Always pleased to play music from local bands so if you want your wares airing, do get in touch - martin.powell@bcbradio.co.uk

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