Friday, 17 February 2017

Kathy Dyson stands for MU General Secretary

Jazz guitarist and renowned jazz educator, Dr Kathy Dyson, is standing for the post of General Secretary of the Musician's Union, paving the way for the MU's first female General Secretary in its 124 year history.

Current G.S. John Smith has announced his retirement after 15 years and his deputy Horace Trubridge has stepped forward to take his place as well as Kathy.

Kathy says

I’m standing for a more feminist, inclusive and collaborative approach to working together, and for a decentralised union that fights more strongly for funding, musical work, and instrumental music education in all the regions. We need to create a long-term policy and strategy for every area of music we cover as a guide for action. We must also involve members more fully in our collective endeavour. 

We can build on our existing work creating cooperatives with music teacher members. We can also help to improve fees, wages and conditions by focusing more resources on fighting funding cuts and working more collaboratively with regional arts organisations.

Kathy is currently Chair of the Executive Committee and has a long history of working hard to fight for positive change in the Music Sector.

We wish her good luck in her campaign!

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