Tuesday, 16 February 2016

National Youth Jazz Collective 2016 - Auditions and Deadlines

Deadlines for the National Youth Jazz Collective are fast approaching and NYJC are putting a last call out to young musicians who'd like to take part.

Auditions are being held across the country for places at the week long NYJC residential course in August. Successful auditionees will spend a week working with a team of tutors on improvisational technique, interaction and working within a small group. The tutors include Issie Barratt, Christine Jensen, Mark Lockheart, Mark Mondesir, Laura Jurd, Gareth Lockrane, Dominic Ashworth, Jeremy Price and Percy Pursglove.

Jazz North East are working with NYJC and will host the North East auditions at the Lit and Phil in Newcastle on Friday 8th April.

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th February and you can find full information on the National Youth Jazz Collective website.

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