Friday, 13 February 2015

Jazz North Education Conference

Jazz North is to host their 3rd Jazz Education Conference at Leeds College of Music on 17th March. 

The event will run from 11am until 4pm and features a number of talks and workshops focused on jazz and improvisation for children and young people.

Who Can Attend?

The event is aimed at -

  • Primary and secondary schools, further education colleges, universities
  • Senior educational leaders, subject leaders, educational professionals, teachers, teaching assistants, newly qualified teachers, Special Educational Needs Coordinators
  • Local authority arts development teams, children’s services, school improvement services, events and festival coordinators
  • Youth music services
  • Arts organisations, artists and arts practitioners… and anyone who works with and supports those working with young people

Topics covered will include First Access, CPD for music teachers, youth jazz orchestras & more. Sign-up is required and interested parties should email or use the contact form on this website to register their place.

Read a report of last year's conference.

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