Wednesday 20 August 2014

Chapel Allerton Jazz Sunday, 31st August

Seven Jazz in Chapel Allerton will be hosting a day of jazz as part of the Chapel Allerton Arts festival, an annual festival which runs between 29th and 31st August.

Steve Crocker writes...

At present Leeds doesn't have a jazz festival so the nearest thing to a celebration of the fine music being produced in the city is at the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival held every summer in Regent Street Chapel Allerton.

This year the jazz blues and salsa afternoon of the festival (on 31 August) features the Leeds Youth Jazz Rock Orchestra, just back from a tour of South Africa, bassist Simon Read's new Octet with rising trumpet star Laura Jurd, Richard Ormrod’s seven piece ska tribute to John Coltrane  “A Dread Supreme”, trumpeter Enrico Marchesi’s brand new edition of his salsa band “Bourbon et Tequila” and the nine piece blues band led by guitarist Al Morrison- the  Blues Experience. The music starts at 12.30pm and finishes at 5.30pm and costs only £3 in the famous festival buckets.

Elsewhere in the festival weekend there are appearances from The Abstract Hip Hop Orchestra (Friday evening 29 August 9pm) and Chunky Butt Funky (Saturday evening 30 August 9pm) plus also Leeds jazz singer Tessa Smith directing the new Chapel Allerton Festival Community Choir on the Saturday afternoon main stage at 3.15pm.

More information on the festival can be found on the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival website and further details on the jazz events and others run by Seven Jazz can be found on their website, Seven Jazz.

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