Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Pink Lane Jazz Coop and The Globe - UPDATE

Pink Lane Jazz Coop are continuing with their mission to sell shares and purchase The Globe - a venue in Tyneside - to develop a new hub for jazz performance and education.

Dave Parker from the Pink Lane Jazz Coop has been in touch to spread the word about an event they are holding next week for potential investors.

We are holding an event for potential investors to find out more about this exciting venture on Monday 3 March at the Lit & Phil, 23 Westgate Road NE1 1SE starting at 6pm – there will be a buffet and bubbly as well as talk and jazz.  Whether you have invested or not please come along and bring some friends.  (It would be helpful if you let me know if you’re coming so we can get some idea of how many to cater for.)

To those of you who have already bought shares – thank you for supporting us.

To those of you who have not yet invested – please do so now.  There is no advantage in waiting because if you buy shares online the money does not get debited from your bank account until after the share issue is closed.
Visit for more information.

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